
Bible Study- Book of James

How to Use this Study

This Adult Bible Study is designed for personal or small group study. Each chapter calls for reading from the assigned text as well as cross-referencing other related scriptures. Participants are guided with specific questions to answer, sentences to complete, as well as fill in the blank questions.

Each Chapter opens with a “Word Cloud” containing key words used within the chapter. This visualization helps the reader to key in on important words and to consider them throughout the study.

Each Chapter ends with a thoughtful poem or prayer for additional reflection. Source references also open the reader to additional resources online.


This adult bible study was designed for those who desire to a deeper spiritual growth and obedience to God’s Word.


The Book of James is one of my favorite studies for personal spiritual growth and discipline. I previously led a bible study from James that turned into months of study with hungry and devoted souls desiring to align their thoughts, words, and actions in accordance with God’s love and grace.
James is a no-nonsense practical study that encourages deep faith formation.

James Chapter 1

James Chapter 2

James Chapter 3

James Chapter 4

James Chapter 5